Video Surveillance (CCTV)
AuroMeera iNETs provides video surveillance solutions
CCTV systems can play a key role in your fight against the bad guys. And while investing in technology alone will not solve the problem, installing a comprehensive system at the same time as adopting a proactive approach to community partnerships should result in are duction in crime and make your store a safer place for you, your staff and your customers.
According to the survey, customer theft accounts for 43.3% of losses, closely followed by staff-assisted theft at 38%. Internal errors, such as staff till mistakes and procedural mistakes, are thought to account for a further 14.3%. Add in recent worrying spates of ram-raiding and distraction burglaries and it's clear that the situation is unlikely to improve overnight.
CCTV is used for surveillance in areas which requires continuous security, such as stores, banks, airports or military installations. The recent terrorist attracts has proven that the internal security is essential in any organization. It requires monitoring of main enterance of any building. Recently all the colleges and schools are also instructed to setup CCTV system at main enterance and required places of public access.
We provides IP Camera and Motion Capture Camera setup. Our team surveys the site and find-out hot-spots which covers major portion through camera vision. Our team also provides trusted solution thorugh additional security components.
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